LSC Points of Unity Process

Beginning in 2021, LSC undertook a series of internal discussions, at the time referred to as the “Horizon of the LSC.” This culminated in a new set of bylaws which would establish productive distance between our work on different terrains, allowing members of the newly reorganized Horizon Federation to collaborate where possible without requiring DSA membership in order to continue working together. LSC was reorganized as a DSA-specific circle within Horizon with its own bylaws, breathing new life into a caucus where direction and participation had dwindled. By the 2023 convention, LSC had received a fresh coat of paint, and we were ready to seriously organize for our goals once again.

At convention, not only did our caucus run a well-received campaign for the National Political Committee, we made inroads among members and caucuses of DSA’s political left and achieved meaningful victories on the convention floor, such as defeating a proposal to concentrate power in the hands of the NPC Steering Committee and passing an agenda amendment to reintroduce debate on the most significant political questions facing DSA. Our caucus took these victories as confirmation that the most fruitful path forward for LSC was to refocus our efforts on DSA. This perspective culminated in the LSC Revamp Proposal, which passed unanimously in a caucus vote only a few weeks after convention (August 31, 2023).

One of the central goals of the LSC Revamp was to reassess where our caucus stood in a post-2023 DSA. We needed to both focus our organizing efforts into more productive and meaningful endeavors, and show to potential members what we believe in and the vision we want to achieve within this organization. Toward this end, we resolved to draft Points of Unity, which would both institute minimum standards for acceptance into the caucus and identify our key political perspectives:

Be it further resolved, that LSC will schedule a series of meetings over at least the next two months, open to all caucus members, to develop documents addressing the following:

•   Minimum political requirements for acceptance into the caucus, or Points of Unity
•   A short (and I really do mean short, no MUG reader stuff) political education series to be recommended to new applicants to the caucus, to contain at minimum the aforementioned Points of Unity
•   Redefining the purpose of LSC as a formation, both in regards to DSA and the broader socialist, libertarian socialist, and anarchist milieus
•   Developing LSC’s positions on core political conflicts in DSA, such as internationalism, electoral strategy, labor strategy, proper structure and democratic practice, etc.
•   LSC’s strategy over the next two years

During the first LSC general meeting after the caucus revamp was passed (September 3, 2023), our caucus decided upon a meeting schedule to discuss and develop an ongoing draft for Points of Unity (weekly meetings on alternating days) to maximize input from caucus members. Members brainstormed topics to form positions on, work was delegated, drafts were written, workshopped, tossed out, and written again, and gradually, over the course of roughly four months and fourteen meetings, we drafted a series of ten points, plus a preamble, to be presented to and voted upon by the full caucus. At the January 7th general meeting, LSC unanimously approved a process for adopting the submitted draft:

Whereas, the initial drafting process for the LSC Points of Unity has concluded.
And whereas, it is the general consensus of the participants in working meetings on the PoU that the points should be approved separately by the LSC general membership.

Therefore be it resolved, that the final draft of the LSC Points of Unity be put up for a vote via a single Loomio thread containing 11 different proposals, one for each point and the Preamble.
Be it further resolved, that due to the significance of these motions, the voting period for each will be a month, and the votes will not be closed early.

During this process, LSC’s members were free to offer and vote on amendments to points in addition to registering their support or opposition. A month later, the process was amended by the following motion, allowing debate to continue on points past the original deadline:

Be it resolved, all PoU votes have their voting period extended to one week past the initial closure date.
And be it further resolved, the adoption process which prohibits early closure on the PoU is amended to permit early closure after the initial closure date passes (9pm central February 8th), except that if an amendment passes early closure will not be permitted until a week after the amendment has passed.

Points were then approved as these new early closure requirements were met. Once debate had been exhausted for the remaining points, a final motion was made and approved to close all remaining votes. After amendments, our caucus had approved the preamble and nine out of the ten proposed points.

At the upcoming LSC meeting on Sunday, February 18th, LSC is set to vote on the following motion to post its Points of Unity to the public:

Whereas, the adoption of LSC’s Points of Unity represents a major milestone for the caucus as we recognize for the first time our mutual goals as libertarian socialists organizing within DSA;
And whereas, we recognize that effectively disseminating our Points of Unity will be crucial to LSC’s efforts to onboard new membership, especially in light of the upcoming YDSA conference;

Therefore be it resolved, that LSC shall post its Points of Unity to its website alongside its bylaws;
Be it further resolved, that LSC’s spokespersons shall tweet out a link to its Points of Unity, threaded with a tweet-formatted version of the Preamble;
Be it further resolved, that a printable version of the LSC Points of Unity shall be developed for caucus use.

It is important to note that per LSC’s bylaws, our Points of Unity will remain a living document, editable by a ¾ vote after passage. It is our hope and intent that our organizing goals will continue to be accountable and accurate to the will of the caucus as it evolves.

The passage of these Points of Unity marks the end of a new beginning for the Libertarian Socialist Caucus. These points serve as the culmination of LSC’s recommitment to productive political engagement in DSA, both with the membership and political organs of DSA, and with ourselves in our caucus. With these points as a guide, we chart a course for a strengthened LSC, and with it, we hope, a brighter future for the socialist movement.

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