Abbreviated List of LSC Endorsements
This list is all of the questions on the convention schedule that we have endorsed as a caucus. There may be other great proposals that simply did not make it into the process—thank you for understanding.
- R, 34: Ecosocialist Green New Deal Priority - Fight for a radical GND.
- R, 25: Childcare - Fight for parental leave, implement childwatch in chapters and strengthen childwatch where already implemented.
- R, 9: Establishing a National Anti-Fascist Working Group.
- R, 83: Support Locals and Make DSA Accessible - Centers the work of making events, locals, and national accessible.
- R, 67: Organizing the Unorganized - Encourages the rank-and-file strategy and DSA members' organizing within their labor unions.
- R, 68: A New Operation Dixie - Emphasizes labor organizing in the South.
- CB, 33: Assembly of Locals - Replaces national leadership with an assembly body made of representatives from locals.
- R, 37: 50/50 Dues Split (amended to 70/30) - Give 30% of national dues back to locals, add a quarterly stipend, and support chapters setting up bank accounts.
- CB, 2: National Stipends to Chapters - aka "Pass the Hat", gives a stipend of $100 a month to every chapter that can process the money.
- CB, 23: Nobody Is Too Poor for DSA: Redefining Member in Good Standing - Changes language from "dues-paying member" to "member in good standing".
- R, 54: Criminal Justice and Decarceration - Create a Police and Prison Abolition Working Group, and support abolition efforts, among other items.
- R, 11: DSA Law Enforcement Exclusion - Excludes law enforcement officers from membership in DSA.
- CB, 1: A Binding National Referendum - Creates a process by which the membership can make decisions through direct voting.
- CB, 8: NPC Transparency and Fairness - Selects NPC Steering Committee based on NPC election results, defines valid purposes for and raises thresholds for Executive Sessions, requires STV for NPC elections, among other items.
- CB, 7: Increase NPC Transparency - Requires NPC to set detailed agendas and release minutes in a timely manner, include roll calls for votes in minutes.
- CB, 5: Greater Chapter Democracy Requirements - Requires chapters to amend bylaws to ensure democratic processes and notification of members of decisions.