Recommendations From The Libertarian Socialist Caucus For The 2021 DSA Convention - Long Form
The following are the recommendations of the External Strategy & Convention Working Group (ES&C WG) of the Libertarian Socialist Caucus in regards to the proposed resolutions and bylaw amendments that will be discussed at the 2021 DSA Convention.
Please note that the Cardinal Formation that included the Collective Power Network, Emerge NYC, Red Caucus - Portland, Red Caucus, and Communist Caucus has dissolved.

Resolution 1: Resolution on the Defense of Immigrants and Refugees
Proposed By: Immigrant Rights Working Group
- LSC Decision: Critical Support
- ES&C WG Recommendation on Amendment: Neutral
- Description: Under this resolution, immigrant and refugee rights would become a top priority. This policy reaffirms that no human being is illegal and articulates a list of campaign demands for defending immigrant rights. This measure would require one full time staffer.
- Amendment: The proposed amendment from IRWG requires holding multiple webinars and developing unspecified local and national campaigns.
- Summary: The WG has been only semi-operational since 2020 and this resolution simply points to work that they could already do. It’s an excellent fit for the consent agenda but less valuable as a motion we would debate on the floor of the convention (although self-amendments may not count as amendments).
Resolution 2: Formation of a National
Committee for Reparations to Black People
Proposed By: Bread and Roses - Consent Agenda
- LSC Endorsement: Critical Support
- Description: Under this policy, the DSA would support the call and campaign for a study commission on reparations.
- Summary: This proposal extends our work but only focuses on the study commission.
Resolution 3: Empowering DSA’s Mass Abolition
Proposed By: Cardinal - Consent Agenda
- LSC Endorsement: Full Support
- Description: This resolution would give a mandate to the national Abolition Working Group that provides clear goals and tasks.
- Summary: The ES&C WG fully supports this policy and it parallels the LSC program.
Resolution 4: Mass Campaign for Voting
Proposed By: Socialist Majority Caucus - Consent Agenda
- LSC Endorsement: Critical Support
- Description: Under this resolution, the DSA will start a voting rights campaign as a priority and the national committee will produce materials for local campaigns.
- Summary: The ES&C WG has no strong objections to this resolution. It fulfills a goal of protecting liberal democracy in a manner that may or may not build deeper power.
Resolution 5: Building Worker Power to Win Democratic Socialism: A
Labor Strategy for DSA in 2021-2023
Proposed By: Cardinal Slate/Socialist Majority Caucus/Bread &
- ES&C WG Recommendation: Neutral
- ES&C WG Recommendation on Amendment: Neutral
- Description: This resolution reaffirms the commitment to the DSLC as a priority and reaffirms the PRO Act campaign. Under this policy, the DSA will support rank-and-file movements within unions, schedule more meetings, democratize the WG, and hire a new full time staff member.
- Amendment: There’s also an amendment from Socialist Alternative that would require fights for internal democracy, limiting leadership pay to members' industry pay, and separation from the Democratic Party.
- Summary: The ES&C WG does not have a strong position on this proposal, or amendment, both of which build on existing projects within a commission that has not developed strong internal democracy or engagement.
Resolution 6: Tribunes of the People and
Democratic Discipline
Proposed By: Marxist Unity Slate - Not Scheduled for Debate
- LSC Endorsement: Critical Support
- Description: Under this resolution, the DSA would lay out a formal pledge for discipline and commitment from candidates that we endorse. We would require that they’re members of DSA, that their staff, if elected, are members of DSA, that they agree with the DSA’s platform, and that they’re obligated to attend quarterly meetings with DSA leadership of the appropriate level, i.e. a DSA-endorsed candidate for a mayoral election in New York City would be required to attend meetings with the NYC chapter of the DSA.
- Summary: The ES&C WG doesn’t have any strong objections to this resolution. A few of them seem amenable to it.
Resolution 7: A Socialist Slate for the
Proposed By: Marxist Unity Slate - Not Scheduled for Debate
- LSC Decision: Qualified Opposition
- ES&C WG Recommendation on Amendment: Neutral
- Description: This resolution identifies people to run on a socialist slate for the House of Representatives and requires those elected to form an independent socialist caucus
- Amendment: An amendment from the same caucus pushes the date back from 2022 to 2024.
- Summary: The ESGWG is disinterested in this policy and doesn’t particularly want to support it because of concerns about the viability of this electoral strategy at this stage though these concerns are partially mitigated by the amendment.
Resolution 8: Toward a Mass Party in the United States (Electoral
Proposed By: NEC/Bread & Roses/CPN
- LSC Decision: Qualified Opposition
- ES&C WG Recommendations on Amendments: Neutral/Critical Support (3 proposals); Critical Support (Bread & Roses Cadre proposal)
- Description: Under this resolution, the DSA would recommit to its existing national electoral program, aim to build a political party and state level organizations, and hire two full time staffers.
- Amendments: There are amendments proposed by (a) the Marxist Unity Slate on building an independent party - Withdrawn, (b) Bread & Roses cadre commits to working outside rather than inside the Democratic Party and building class independence, (c-d) and Marxist-Leninists proposing to run ten independent candidates in 2024 and requiring actions to clarify our distance from the Democratic Party.
- Summary: The ES&C WG is semi-averse to this resolution, which may have considerable support. It continues the framework and candidate requirements in existing national electoral work, on the basis that it doesn’t meaningfully address the question of what the DSA’s relationship is to the Democratic Party or even reference non-party work but instead pushes the framework of a “dirty break” that is far into the future. The Bread & Roses’ cadre amendment speaks to this problem. The other amendments adopt aspects of an independent party strategy as well as rhetorical changes.
Resolution 9: Running 10 Candidates
Independent of the Democrats in 2022
Proposed By: Reform & Revolution - Withdrawn
- ES&C WG Recommendation: Neutral
- Description: Under this resolution, the DSA National Electoral Committee will identify at least 10 independent candidates around the country to run in 2022.
- Summary: The ES&C WG is
disinterested in this policy on the grounds that they’re not
especially drawn to the viability or effectiveness of what might
largely be a messaging proposal
Resolution 10: DSA Candidates' Political
Message About the Democratic Party
Proposed By: Reform & Revolution - Withdrawn
- ES&C WG Recommendation: Qualified Opposition
- Description: Under this resolution, the National Electoral Committee will urge endorsed candidates to identify publicly as socialists, call the Democrats capitalists, not endorse corporate Democrats, and to ask people to join DSA.
- Summary: The ES&C WG is largely either averse or disinterested in this independent-party electoral strategy insofar as it doesn’t meaningfully give the DSA control over candidates.
Resolution 11: Campaign for a Democratic
Socialist Party
Proposed By: Reform & Revolution - Not Scheduled for Debate
- LSC Decision: Full Opposition
- Description: Under this resolution, the DSA will start a campaign for a Democratic Socialist Party, hire two staffers to work towards building such a party, and aim for 150,000 members.
- Summary: The ES&C WG is highly opposed to the notion of the DSA becoming another marginal third party in the US.
Resolution 12: 2021 Ecosocialist Green
New Deal Priority
Proposed By: Ecosocialist Working Group - Consent Agenda
- LSC Decision: Qualified Opposition
- Description: This resolution would renew the DSA’s legislative lobbying program and eliminate the democratic working group within the DSA Ecosocialists, thus turning it into the appointed Green New Deal Campaign Committee.
- Summary: The ES&C WG is wary of this resolution, although it acknowledges the immediate necessity of combating climate change, because it simply recommits to pre-decided strategy in line with visible/relatively effective mobilization strategies, was developed without working group input, and dissolves internal accountability structures that leadership rejected and which were already weak within the WG and GND CC.
Resolution 13: Allow DSA Members Living
Abroad to Form International Chapters
Proposed By: Internationalism from Below (International Committee
Members) - Not Scheduled for Debate - Not Scheduled for Debate
- ES&C WG Recommendation: Neutral
- Description: Under this resolution, the DSA would let members living in foreign countries that meet the requirements for forming a DSA chapter form international chapters.
- Summary: The ES&C WG acknowledges both the democratic aspects of this proposal and the possibility for overseas members to be disconnected from core DSA struggles.
Resolution 14: Committing to
International Socialist Solidarity
Proposed By: Cardinal
- LSC Endorsement: Critical Support
- Description: Under this resolution, the DSA would build relationships with Latin American socialist parties and join the Sao Paulo Forum.
- Summary: The ES&C WG supports this resolution on the grounds that they like internationalism but there is some concern about drafters and complete focus on state actors.
Resolution 15: Structure of the
International Committee’s Steering Committee
Proposed By: International Solidarity Platform
- LSC Decision: Qualified Opposition
- Description: Under this resolution, the steering committee of the International Committee will consist of one voting member of each of the subcommittees that make it up. There will also be direct elections by members of the Working Group.
- Summary: The ES&C WG acknowledges the democratizing elements of this proposal, although these interests can be met in various ways, as well as raising concerns that it will serve factional interests.
Resolution 16: Subcommittee Leadership
in the International Committee
Proposed By: International Solidarity Platform
- LSC Decision: Qualified Opposition
- Description: Under this resolution, co-chairs of the subcommittees of the International Committee would be elected by the subcommittees themselves on a yearly term with no more than two consecutive terms. Furthermore, subcommittees would have the ability to set their own political education events.
- Summary: The ES&C WG is opposed to this resolution despite acknowledging democratizing elements of the proposal because we worry that it’ll result in a return to unproductive factional fights over solidarity with other socialist movements in the IC.
Resolution 17: Internationalist
Principles, Political Education and Solidarity
Proposed By: International Solidarity Platform
- LSC Decision: Qualified Opposition
- Description: Under this resolution, the DSA would fund educational events on anti-imperialism and support liberation. Furthermore, the DSA would commit to only supporting groups that are pro-worker and committed to democracy, equality, and liberation.
- Summary: The ES&C WG is averse to this policy because they think it would lead to a return to unproductive factional fights over solidarity with other socialist movements in the IC.
Resolution 18: International Committee and Mass Organizing
Proposed By: Emerge
- ES&C WG Recommendation: Neutral
- ES&C WG Recommendation on Amendment: Neutral/Critical Support
- Description: Under this resolution, the International Committee will organize internationally with existing organizations, prioritize onboarding BiPOC and non-male members, and set up an International Secretariat. The IS will serve 2 year terms, elected at the convention after nomination by the IC. The IS will be autonomous, but subordinate to the NPC. The NPC will have veto over any decision made by the IS.
- Amendment: Overseas members of the IC (Socialism from Below) want to strike language requiring members to organize locally instead of joining in U.S. in electoral and lobbying campaigns.
- Summary: The ES&C WG has no strong feelings on this resolution, which provides for another form of democratization of the IC. The amendment probably will not have significant effects.
Resolution 19: Amnesty for All,
Socialist Internationalism, and the Right to Stay Home
Proposed By: Class Unity Caucus - Not Scheduled for Debate
- LSC Decision: Qualified Opposition
- Description: This resolution would have the DSA support amnesty and citizenship for immigrants, immigrant labor and tenant organizing, and incorporating amnesty/citizenship into all of the DSA's work. This policy would also prevent collaboration with certain donor-led nonprofits.
- Summary: The ES&C WG views this resolution as competing with Resolution 1 on appropriate strategies for immigration justice and organization. The proposal would limit the scope of alliances while failing to provide for a clear campaign strategy. There are other methods to move beyond non-profit coalitions and mobilizations that include supporting autonomous organizing, however.
Resolution 20: Class Struggle on the Housing Terrain: Building Power
in the Tenants’ Movement
Proposed By: Communist Caucus
- LSC Endorsement: Full Support
- Description: Under this resolution, the DSA would work to build tenants unions by setting up a three wing structure: a training program to train tenant organizers, a political education wing, and a wing to conduct an inquiry into existing DSA housing committees to create strategies and resources for them. The DSA Tenant unions should affiliate with the Autonomous Tenant Union Network.
- Summary: The ES&C WG offers their full support for this resolution on the basis that it’s in line with the LSC’s overall philosophy about building independent organization.
Resolution 21: Prioritizing Tenant
Organizing — Resolution by the Housing Justice Commission
Proposed By: Housing Justice Commission - Consent Agenda
- LSC Endorsement: Critical Support
- Description: Under this resolution, the DSA would recognize housing justice as a priority campaign. The HJC would continue to provide resources and training, while also developing resources and training for non-city chapters.
- Summary: The ES&C WG is on board with this policy, though they like Resolution 20 more because it’s more specific.
Resolution 22: DSA for $25 an Hour
Proposed By: N/A - Not Scheduled for Debate
- ESLSC Decision: Full Support
- Description: This resolution would have the DSA pay its staff members $25/hour and support a federal $25/hour minimum wage.
- Summary: The ES&C WG likes the idea of working class people getting properly compensated for their labor.
Resolution 23: Childcare for All
Proposed By: Class Unity Caucus
- LSC Decision: Qualified Opposition
- LSC Endorsement on Amendment: Critical Support
- Description: This resolution would have the DSA hire one half time staffer, though its budget assumes one full time staffer, to create a campaign for universal childcare.
- Amendment: This joint amendment from CUC and somebody associated with the Portland, OR campaign for funding childcare (likely allied with LSC) moves beyond a focus on a national campaign toward building worker cooperatives and other structures and was informed by the very successful Portland, OR strategy and program.
- Summary: The ES&C WG likes the idea of having socialized childcare (and notes the passage of a 2019 resolution on the same issue.) The underlying resolution has a structure similar to centralized legislative campaigns and mobilizations that have been less effective for DSA and is raised by a caucus in conflict with significant sections of the organization. The Amendment moves the proposal toward a good chance of developing sustainable campaign and tax infrastructure, building independent cooperative organizations, centering the needs of the most vulnerable, and winning through coalitions on the local level.
Resolution 24: Towards Size Inclusivity
Proposed By: N/A - Consent Agenda
- ES&C WG Recommendation: Full Support
- Description: Under this resolution, the DSA would offer merchandise in a wider range of sizes, conduct a survey about size inclusivity, and encourage chapters to offer wider ranges of merchandise.
- Summary: The ES&C WG is of the opinion that there’s no sensible reason to oppose this policy.
Resolution 25: National Communications & Technology Policy
Proposed By: Libertarian Socialist Caucus
- LSC Endorsement: Full Support
- ES&C WG Recommendation: Full Support
- ES&C WG Recommendation on Amendment: Full Support
- Description: This resolution would have the National Technology Committee conduct a study of open source and other digital solutions for national/chapter voting and communication.
- Amendment: It removes the media proposals to focus on core aspects of internal democratization and technology.
- Summary: The ES&C WG thinks this resolution would help meet the DSA’s voting and communication needs--which are central to bottom-up organization--while avoiding internal fights and local differences about the cost and specifications of technology.
Resolution 26: Developing Independent Organizations & Training
Organizers for Emerging Conditions
Proposed By: Libertarian Socialist Caucus
- LSC Endorsement: Full Support
- ES&C WG Recommendation on Amendment: Full Support
- Description: This resolution proposes coordination within existing national working groups/institutions to study how to create independent institutions like community land trusts, left media institutions, and cooperatives, as well as training for members for non-legislative responses to unstable conditions. We would also incorporate tactics beyond mobilization in campaigns.
- Amendment: It specifies collaboration with specific DSA National Working Groups.
- Summary: The ES&C WG fully supports any policy that’s in line with the LSC’s overall philosophy, such as this one. The Amendment no may minimize conflict with other working groups and streamline the process of developing proposals.
Resolution 27: Beyond 100K: Building a Mass Socialist Organization
Proposed By: Growth & Development Committee/Bread and
Roses/Cardinal/Socialist Majority Caucus
- ES&C WG Recommendation: Neutral
- ES&C WG Recommendation on Amendment: Full Support
- Description: This resolution would have the Growth and Development Committee organize a dues drive, train chapters to organize members and tenants, and develop recruitment programs. It builds on prior, caucus-led work that succeeded in expanding and training the organization although has been less focused on retention.
- Amendment Emerge members would specify that the organization has not yet reached 100k members.
- Summary: The ES&C WG is largely indifferent to this resolution.
Resolution 28: Building Transformative
Justice through a National Committee of Grievance Officers
Proposed By: Cardinal - Consent Agenda
- ES&C WG Recommendation: Full Support
- Description: Under this resolution, a national grievance committee of chapter HGOs would form with one NPC member and ten HGOs selected by the NPC, hold quarterly meetings open to all HGOs, and host skillshares and training sessions. The committee would study the weaknesses of Resolution 33 and allocate $20,000 over two years for training sessions in restorative justice, conflict resolution, and mediation.
- Summary: The ES&C WG is favorable towards the notion of the DSA having a functional and democratic grievance apparatus to correct notable problems over the last several years.
Resolution 29: Stipends for NPC Steering Committee Members
Proposed By: Bread and Roses
- ES&C WG Recommendation: Neutral
- Description: This resolution would provide a monthly stipend of $2,000 a month to NPC members for the work they do.
- Summary: The ES&C WG has mixed opinions about this policy.
Resolution 30: Strengthening DSA From the Bottom Up Through National
Matching Funds for Chapters to Hire Staff and Open Offices
Proposed By: Bread and Roses
- LSC Decision: Qualified Opposition
- Description: This resolution would establish a matching funds program for the National Committee to provide money to help local chapters hire staff or open local offices. To receive this, the requesting body must have passed support for a detailed plan laying out how the funds will be used and metrics to measure effectiveness, raised 25% of the total necessary funds, and have fundraising plans to demonstrate their financial viability.
- Summary: The ES&C WG is mostly opposed to this resolution on the basis that it provides more bureaucracy and supports large chapters without solving critical issues regarding base building and capacity.
Resolution 31: Making DSA a Multiracial
and Anti-Racist Organization
Proposed By: Socialist Majority Caucus - Consent Agenda
- LSC Decision: Critical Support
- Description: This resolution would create a Multiracial Organizing Committee at the national level, made from 6-8 NPC members, with the right to add additional members, to set standards for national committees, convention resolutions, and local chapters. DSA chapters would be responsible for ensuring that they’re as racially diverse as the areas they organize in and that their campaigns are oriented towards multiracial organizing as dictated by the MOC. Chapters would join and form multiracial coalitions and train incoming leadership about racial capitalism. The National Committee would produce a recruitment plan to bring more people from under-represented groups into DSA. Priority campaigns will have 1/4 POC leadership. The MOC will establish an accountability process for chapters and national committees that repeatedly fail to meet the standards established by the MOC.
- Summary: The caucus recognizes the importance of racial equity and that transforming the practices and political education within the organization is long overdue. On the other hand, giving power to an appointed committee may have unpredictable results or facilitate existing coalitions and projects.
Resolution 32: Strengthening YDSA
Proposed By: Bread and Roses
- ES&C WG Recommendation: Neutral
- Description: Under this resolution, the DSA would commit to building and strengthening YDSA with additional staff, a Mentor Program, and increased cooperation between YDSA and DSA chapters.
- Summary: The ES&C WG has mixed feelings about this resolution given past sectarian and unproductive conflict in YDSA. But supporting up-and-coming socialists is good (and the new YDSA National Coordinating Committee is more favorable toward base building and direct action.)
Resolution 33: A Resolution to Better
Compile Resolutions
Proposed By: CT DSA Transform (local caucus) - Consent Agenda
- ES&C WG Recommendation: Full Support
- Description: This resolution would compel the National DSA to construct a central location and process for new resolutions for future conventions to be submitted and to receive signatures.
- Summary: The ES&C WG likes the idea of making the democratic process within the DSA easier to manage.
Resolution 34: No Spy Zone
Proposed By: Emerge - Not Scheduled for Debate
- ES&C WG Recommendation: Neutral
- Description: This resolution would make DSA membership ineligible to anyone working for, collaborating with, contracting with, or informing any US intelligence agency. If a member is found to be working for, collaborating with, contracting with, or informing any US intelligence agency, they are subject to expulsion. Any member who doxxes another member or who distributes sensitive internal DSA communication outside of sanctioned DSA spaces will be subject to expulsion.
- Summary: The ES&C WG is ambivalent about this policy on the basis that the language in regards to what qualifies as “doxxing” is ambiguous.
Resolution 35: Spanish Translation & Bilingual Organizing
Proposed By: Class Unity Caucus? - Consent Agenda
- LSC Decision: Qualified Opposition
- Description: This resolution would require the National DSA to translate its material into Spanish and encourage chapters to do the same. The 2024 convention would have simultaneous Spanish translation.
- Summary: The ES&C WG thinks language access is critical to moving beyond DSA being a club for Anglophones only but there are some concerns about drafters especially in light of the alternative posed by Resolution 36.
Resolution 36: Prioritizing Working-Class Latino Organizing in DSA
Proposed By: Latinos Socialistas
- LSC Endorsement: Critical Support
- Description: Under this resolution, the DSA would recognize a national Latino/a Socialist Working Group. DSA LatSoc would work to increase DSA engagement with the Hispanic community.
- Summary: The ES&C WG supports the idea of the DSA developing the reach and projects involving Latino organizers though there are some concerns about the potential for factionalism.
Resolution 37: Medicare for All
Committee Convention Recommendations
Proposed By: Medicare For All Working Group - Consent Agenda
- LSC Decision: Qualified Opposition
- Description: This resolution would ensure that M4A remains a priority campaign and create a campaign to build legislative support for M4A.
- Summary: The ES&C WG isn’t confident in this proposal due to the poor performance and factionalism of the Medicare For All Working Group.
Resolution 38: A Socialist Horizon
Proposed By: Tempest Collective
- LSC Endorsement: Critical Support
- ES&C WG Recommendation on Amendment: Neutral
- Description: Under this resolution, the DSA would commit to becoming an organization independent of the Democratic party. Candidates who seek the DSA’s endorsement would have to openly identify as socialist, commit to building an organization outside the Democratic Party, use campaigns to organize working class fights, oppose discrimination and oppression, commit to voting against any bill, budget, motion, and/or amendment that would increase funding for any law enforcement agency, and to refuse support from sources that uphold oppressive structures. The candidates for national endorsement would first have to be endorsed by their local DSA chapter. Any elected official who fails to uphold this would face censure and have their endorsement revoked.
- Amendment: The amendment from Socialist Alternative would create a set of requirements for top salary, staffing, decision-making, etc. congruent with what they imposed in Seattle City Council on Kshama Sawant.
- Summary: The ES&C WG likes the idea of the DSA not being the Democratic Party’s junior partner.
Constitution & Bylaws (CB) Amendment 1: Strike Regional
Requirements for National Conventions
Proposed By: Bread & Roses Member
- ES&C WG Recommendation: Neutral
- ES&C WG Recommendation on Amendment: Strong Support
- Description: This amendment would get rid of the requirement that the convention happens in a different region each year. The NPC would pick a location in advance to allow for better cost savings and convenience. An Amendment from Renee Paradis, an SMC member at one juncture, limits the overriding requirements to ensure that locations other than, for instance, Chicago would be considered.
- Summary: The ES&C WG is worried that this policy would give undue power to whatever chapter has jurisdiction over the location of future DSA conventions. It would be fine with the amendment but the debate may detract from more substantial resolutions.
CB Amendment 2: National Referendum
Proposed By: Tempest Collective - Not Scheduled for Debate
- ES&C WG Recommendation: Full Support
- Description: This amendment would create a referendum process allowing for general member votes in between conventions.
- Summary: The LSC proposed a similar amendment in 2019 and while we have some concern about the low signature requirement, it would pave the way for expanded direct democracy in the organization.
Bylaw 3: Adding Candidate Membership to the NPC
Proposed By: Cardinal Slate
- LSC Endorsement: Critical Support
- Description: This amendment would create a "candidate NPC" role for high vote recipients not elected to NPC. They would sit in on NPC meetings, but wouldn’t be able to vote. They would become full members of the NPC if a member drops out of the role, replacing the current system of the NPC selecting its own new members.
- Summary: The ES&C WG likes the idea of the DSA NPC being elected by delegates if not directly by members where there are vacancies but prefers the Tempest proposal.
Bylaw 4: Electing DSA’s National Director
Proposed By: Bread and Roses
- ES&C WG Recommendation: Neutral/Critical Support
- Description: This amendment would make the role of National Director an elected one and give them a vote on the NPC. For more information, see the proposed Amendment from the Marxist Unity Slate.
- Summary: The ES&C WG has mixed feelings about this policy, not least because it would promote factionalism and the selected candidate might not have adequate skills.
Bylaw 5: For a National Leadership Elected by and Accountable to DSA
Proposed By: Tempest Collective
- LSC Endorsement: Full Support
- Description: This amendment would mandate that openings on the NPC are filled through an organization-wide vote and require that all non-executive session meetings of the NPC provide minutes, roll calls, and the way in which members voted on business within three days.
- Summary: The ES&C WG favors accountability and transparency in the DSA’s governing body that parallels prior proposals from LSC.
Bylaw 6: Establishing a National Organizing Committee
Proposed By: Socialist Majority Caucus
- LSC Decision: Qualified Opposition
- ES&C WG Recommendation on Amendments: Strong Support; Strong Support
- Description: This amendment would establish a National Organizing Committee to serve as the highest body between conventions. It would have the authority to enact and revise bylaws changes, oversee national committees, review/reverse decisions by the NPC, set the political agenda, and approve the budget.
- Amendments: Two proposals SMC allies would delay the implementation of the proposal until 80% of chapters are covered by state or regional organization and only allow the NOC to recommend bylaws changes to be adopted by ⅔ vote of the National Convention.
- Summary: The ES&C WG largely opposes this measure on the grounds that it’s antidemocratic but amendments partly address the problems create by the amendment. It is the only proposal for broad structural reform before the convention. Voting for the amendments may facilitate the passage of the CB Proposal and therefore involves calculated risks.
Bylaw 7: Hold All Leadership Elections by Single Transferable Vote
Proposed By: Class Unity Caucus
- LSC Decision: Qualified Opposition
- Description: This amendment would require all leadership positions at the national and local levels to be elected through STV voting.
- Summary: The caucus rejected this proposal in light of concerns about the authors of this amendment, the Class Unity Caucus. STV is one method of proportional representation that is important for ensuring fair and representative delegate and leadership elections. As with other systems, it does not perfectly reflect voter preferences but is not subject to as much manipulation by organization factions. It can also ensure that entryists are able to secure representation within the caucus.
Bylaw 8: Defining the Role of DSA’s National Political Platform
Proposed By: Marxist Unity Slate
- LSC Decision: Qualified Opposition
- Description: This amendment defines membership in the DSA as being available to anyone who accepts the platform and defines “accepts” as being more or less willing to fight for it.
- Summary: The ES&C WG is largely opposed to this measure because it promotes democratic centralism although it is similar in some ways to parliamentary party platforms.