LSC Resolutions for 2025 DSA Convention

- Caucus Statement

DSA's recent history is a collection of inconclusive conflicts. Over the past four years, our organization has been faced with challenges ranging from mundane to world historical: an internal budget crisis, rogue elected officials, a mass movement for Palestinian liberation, and now, a second Trump term and the collapse of centrist liberalism. DSA has to this point navigated these challenges sufficiently but has rarely directly confronted the essential political questions they have raised within our organization. The combination of a largely depoliticized 2023 Convention with an adequate but indecisive National Political Committee has left DSA without clear political direction, an absence that LSC believes held back our organization from full-throated agitation against the Biden administration, and that will continue to hamper DSA in an era of renewed resistance to a second Trump administration.

We believe the resolutions we are endorsing for the 2025 National Convention can provide a basis for concrete, constructive conclusions to some of these conflicts, and commit DSA more strongly to Palestinian liberation, electoral discipline, and organizational democracy. By offering these resolutions relatively early in the submission process, we also intend to leave the door open for debate on our specific approaches to these questions, and we encourage other tendencies to offer amendments on points of disagreement. Likewise, the list below is not an exhaustive list of all the proposals we will ultimately support, and we hope to collaborate productively on points of agreement as independent members and other caucuses release their own proposals.

Resolution on Staff, Contractors, and Budgeting

In order to prevent the 2024 budget crisis from reoccurring and resolve some of the conflicts which emerged as a result of the budget crisis, the resolution establishes a number of policies relating to DSA’s expenditures and the budgeting process. In particular, the resolution raises DSA’s reserve requirement, caps staff expenditure at half of recurring income, requires the NPC to propose and the National Convention to debate and approve budgets, and places procedural limits on new expenditures over fifty thousand dollars per year, among other measures.
Read and sign on here.

Red Lines for DSA National Endorsements

The resolution raises the bar for eligibility for DSA’s national endorsement, establishing red lines for candidates seeking DSA’s national endorsement relating to public affiliation with DSA and a series of policy requirements. The resolution also changes the national endorsement process such that candidates’ campaigns will themselves apply for endorsement, rather than receiving a referral from a chapter, and requires that all red lines for endorsement be communicated to candidates as part of the endorsement process.
Read and sign on here.

DSA For One Palestinian State

The resolution reaffirms DSA’s support for BDS and commits DSA to pursuing the political defeat of Zionism, the end of the Zionist state, the establishment of a single, secular, democratic Palestinian state, and reparations to the Palestinian people. It also makes explicit acceptance of these aims prerequisites for endorsement by national DSA and provides messaging guidelines for communicating DSA’s anti-Zionist politics to the public.
Read and sign on here.

For a Radical and Resurgent Ecosocialist Working Group

Despite the efforts of the Green New Deal Campaign Coalition (GNDCC), DSA’s climate justice work has stagnated under a Congress that has no interest whatsoever in preventing climate apocalypse. Recognizing that the GNDCC's efforts are not finding traction in the current political climate, this resolution will reorganize it into a reinstated Ecosocialist Working Group, allowing DSA members to collaborate on a revamped ecosocialist project to include strategies beyond just the Green New Deal.
Read and sign on here.

Resolution to Censure LA City Councilwoman Nithya Raman

Despite her continued endorsement by DSA Los Angeles, Nithya Raman’s support of Zionism and her acceptance of funds from Zionist organizations puts her at substantial odds with DSA. It is DSA’s responsibility to demonstrate that Raman’s actions are anathema to our organization’s values through a formal censure. This resolution censures DSA-LA elected Nithya Raman, calls for her membership to be formally reviewed by national DSA, and mandates that its text be made public on adoption.
Read and sign on here.

Resolution to Censure U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s tacit support of Zionism in the face of liberal betrayal of international law, and her dogged support for the Democratic Party establishment to the detriment of DSA’s member-led organizing, have actively harmed our organization. Such action warrants censure by the DSA Convention. This resolution censures NYC-DSA elected Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, calls for her membership to be formally reviewed by national DSA, and mandates that its text be made public on adoption.
Read and sign on here.

If you like these resolutions and agree with the LSC Points of Unity, you can join LSC here.

You can discuss our slate as a whole on the DSA National Forums here.