About Us
These are the bylaws of the Horizon Federation, a federation of libertarian socialist circles. Every circle in Horizon is bound by these bylaws.
These are the points of unity of the Horizon Federation. On 2/3/2024, the Horizon Federation voted to tentatively adopt Article II, Section 1 of the Horizon Bylaws as our points of unity.
These are the bylaws of LSC, the DSA circle of Horizon. Everything we do in LSC is according to these bylaws.
These are the points of unity of the Libertarian Socialist Caucus.
LSC maintains a record of standing caucus policy. For transparency, a public copy of the document is linked here.
In DSA chapters where there is a sizeable amount of LSC members, members may choose to affiliate as a Local, a subformation within the caucus. The directory of active locals is linked above.
What does the LSC believe in anyway? Read this FAQ to find out!