Pamphlets Seeking Community in the Face of Isolation As socialists, we try to concern ourselves with other people, especially those that are most oppressed and neglected under our evil regime. The COVID19 pandemic presents lethal challenges beyond the virus’s own deadly threat......
Pamphlets Inclusive Socialism A socialist movement that attempts to view the upheavals of humanity solely through the lens of class analysis is forced to sweep a great many pressing realities under the rug....
Pamphlets Convention Story I was a delegate to the 2019 DSA National Convention. A lot has been and will be said about the political implications of the decisions we made, about the actions on the floor by the various caucuses, factions and shadowy cabals, but I’m interested in a different story....
Abbreviated List of LSC Endorsements This list is all of the questions on the convention schedule that we have endorsed as a caucus. There may be other great proposals that simply did not make it into the process—...
Caucus Statement Let's Get Democratized: Statement on the 2019 DSA Convention Introduction Last fall we, the Libertarian Socialist Caucus of the Democratic Socialists of America, drafted and committed to a platform for the DSA National Convention of 2019 that would, in our words, “Democratize...
Caucus Statement Call to the NPC for a Democratic Election The National Convention of the Democratic Socialists of America, where we will be deciding on the membership’s proposals and electing the new National Political Committee is just a few weeks away. We...
News All LSC-endorsed Resolutions for 2019 National Convention Updates: R 37, R 83 endorsed. The following are all of the Resolutions and Constitution/Bylaws changes that have been endorsed or are being discussed or voted on at the moment. We'll use...
Pamphlets Why I Support Dual Power The plan outlined in *Dual Power* is democratic, nonviolent, and resolves concerns over the feasibility of socialism[...]dual power ensures that the citizens of a future socialist society will be prepared with both the skills and mindset to succeed[...]...
Pamphlets Velvet Reds and Velvet Rage Stonewall was a bunch of poor queers throwing bricks at cops out of survival. People romanticize it as a valiant fight for freedom and tolerance with cutesy picket lines and slogans, but Stonewall at its core was a wordless, leaderless, spontaneous expression of rage....
Pamphlets Dual Power Is Not Passive We face a rabid, cornered beast with the devil's strength, but no matter how it snarls or how wide its arc of bloody destruction, it can't live forever - because it's already dying. We need to be building now because the current system will be falling soon....
Pamphlets How Working Group Autonomy Helped Defeat Amazon The origins of the No Amazon fight in New York City demonstrates the benefits of ground-up organizing, strategic coalition-building with frontline neighborhood organizations, and allowing motivated DSA members to spearhead campaigns on their own[...]...
Pamphlets InfoSec Dos and Don’ts For Leftist Organizers This is a general-purpose guide targeted at leftist journalists, activists, and organizers in the United States....
Pamphlets Radical Democracy, Radical Socialism The left—especially the US left—has to grow by several orders of magnitude, and grow a radical program, before we can even think of history-changing big wins...The solution to this problem will define whether our movement succeeds or fails....
Pamphlets Anarchism as a Spiritual Practice Anarchism is my religion. Ignoring the black flag ritual trappings and Bookchin/Graeber/Kropotkin pseudo-deity worship, what I mean is that anarchism is as personal, emotional, psychological and universal to me as any religion or spirituality could be....
Pamphlets Democratize the Union: Let the Rank-and-file Decide! By Alexander Kolokotronis PDF This text was written as part of the LSC Pamphlet Program. It reflects only the opinions of the author(s) and not the consensus of the Libertarian Socialist Caucus....
Pamphlets Policing in Schools By Edward Leeford PDF This text was written as part of the LSC Pamphlet Program. It reflects only the opinions of the author(s) and not the consensus of the Libertarian Socialist Caucus....
Pamphlets Authoritarianism at the Gates The Growth of Libertarianism & Its Metamorphosis Into Reaction by Mauro Gonzalez PDF This text was written as part of the LSC Pamphlet Program. It reflects only the opinions of the author(s)...
Pamphlets Municipalist Syndicalism: Organizing the New Working Class By Alexander Kolokotronis PDF This text was written as part of the LSC Pamphlet Program. It reflects only the opinions of the author(s) and not the consensus of the Libertarian Socialist Caucus....
Pamphlets Medicare for All, by All By J. Abreu PDF This text was written as part of the LSC Pamphlet Program. It reflects only the opinions of the author(s) and not the consensus of the Libertarian Socialist Caucus....
Pamphlets Cooperation Against Catastrophe By Reed Ingalls PDF This text was written as part of the LSC Pamphlet Program. It reflects only the opinions of the author(s) and not the consensus of the Libertarian Socialist Caucus....
Pamphlets Medicare-for-All, Mass Mobilizations and Lessons from SDS for DSA by an Anonymous Comrade PDF This text was written as part of the LSC Pamphlet Program. It reflects only the opinions of the author(s) and not the consensus of the Libertarian Socialist...
Pamphlets Guns, Agency, And The Lies We Tell Ourselves About Liberal Democracy A Caucus member argues that gun violence has to be understood as the result not of gun ownership but in reaction to capitalism's abridgment of people's agency....
Pamphlets How to Have a Party How do we overcome the Democrats? Elaborating on the inside-outside strategy the author proposes the creation of a socialist “dual party” which coordinates campaigns and eventually politicians both within and outside the Democratic Party ballot line so they act as a unified bloc....
Pamphlets Why Socialist Job Guarantees Are Better Than Universal Basic Income A polemic against the idea that a Universal Basic Income is the best way of overcoming wage labor. The authors argue instead in favor of a self-managed socialist job guarantee, in which access to labor is guaranteed as a human right....
Pamphlets Organizing Beyond the Point of Production Marxists tend to emphasize the importance of organizing labor in workplaces or “the point of production.” In this pamphlet, the author sketches out the limitations of a dogmatically labor-centric approach and outlines the radical potential of workers’ cooperatives and participatory budgeting....