
The Libertarian Socialist Caucus is a member of the Horizon Federation, a libertarian socialist federation founded as a result of the "Horizon of LSC" discussions in 2022.

Horizon is an organization of radicals and organizers who believe that libertarian socialist values are the fullest embodiment of a socialist vision. We take libertarian socialism to encompass those parts of the socialist movement (including syndicalists, council communists, anarchists, cooperativists, and municipalists, among many others) which have historically seen the surest path to socialism as residing in the creation of independent institutions in civil society that give the working class and ordinary people direct power over their lives.

Horizon operates on three shared principles we see as inseparable from libertarian socialism: FREEDOM, SOLIDARITY, and DEMOCRACY.

The bylaws of the Horizon Federation can be found here: https://dsa-lsc.org/horizon-federation-bylaws/

Constituent bodies of the Horizon Federation currently include:


Website: You are here

Join: https://dsa-lsc.org/join

Cooperation Milwaukee

Website: https://www.cooperationmke.coop/

Join: https://www.cooperationmke.coop/get-involved

Direct application

Individuals interested in Horizon who do not intend to apply to one of its constituent bodies may apply to the federation directly as associate members here: