Caucus Statement LSC Resolutions for 2025 DSA Convention DSA's recent history is a collection of inconclusive conflicts. Over the past four years, our organization has been faced with challenges ranging from mundane to world historical: an internal budget crisis, rogue elected...
Caucus Statement LSC Urges NCC To Follow Convention Mandate and Censure Raman At the 2024 YDSA Convention, Amendment R15-1, authored by a member of LSC, passed with 78% of delegates voting in favor. This amendment censured DSA-LA elected Nithya Raman for her antagonism towards Palestinian...
Social Insertion A Letter to the Libertarian Left “The idea is like grass. It craves light, likes crowds, thrives on crossbreeding, grows better for being stepped on.” The Dispossessed, Ursula K. Le Guin We in the Libertarian Socialist Caucus (LSC) of...
Caucus Statement LSC Statement: DSA Must Be Anti-Zionist, In Principle and Praxis Today, the National Political Committee will deliberate and vote on MSR-12: Making DSA an Anti-Zionist Organization in Principle and Praxis after the membership voted to table it to the NPC at the 2023...
Caucus Statement Official yLSC 2024 Convention Guide This convention guide has been assembled by YDSA members of DSA’s Libertarian Socialist Caucus. It is endorsed by the caucus, and positions within are official LSC positions. Check out our points of...
Caucus Statement LSC Statement on the Conditional AOC Endorsement and the NYC DSA SC LSC is aware of the ongoing vote by DSA’s National Political Committee to revoke the conditional endorsement of Representative Ocasio-Cortez at the request of the NYC DSA Steering Committee. The NPC initially...
Caucus Statement LSC Statement Introducing A Draft Budget Resolution Over the past four months, the internal political life of DSA has been chiefly concerned with the budget. With staff layoffs set to go into effect this week and the publication of a...
Caucus Statement For Direct Democracy Without Caveats: LSC Opposes the “Deliberative Member Engagement” Proposal Groundwork comrades have come out in public support for the idea of member-driven democracy in DSA. Groundwork has referenced our caucus’ direct democracy efforts in their motivation for their proposed resolution to the...
Elections Socialism is Not Presidential: LSC Statement on DSA’s 2024 Presidential Endorsement Debate Now that DSA’s National Political Committee has voted for members to debate a potential presidential endorsement, we in the Libertarian Socialist Caucus seek to express our position on the upcoming election and...
Budget LSC's Budget Follow-Up: DSA Should Budget for the Long Term DSA’s budget situation has developed significantly since LSC released our initial statement. Our comrades in Bread and Roses, Socialist Majority Caucus, Marxist Unity Group, and Red Star have each released statements elaborating...
Caucus Statement LSC Points of Unity Process Beginning in 2021, LSC undertook a series of internal discussions, at the time referred to as the “Horizon of the LSC.” This culminated in a new set of bylaws which would establish productive...
Budget LSC Statement on the Budget Crisis DSA is in the midst of a financial crisis that threatens the very basis of our organization. Declining membership numbers and financial mismanagement in previous years will force us to make many difficult...
Caucus Statement LSC Opposes "Resolution for Quarterly Reports from Chapters and Dues Share" The Libertarian Socialist Caucus of DSA fundamentally disagrees with “Resolution for Quarterly Reports from Chapters and Dues Share,” a resolution proposed for the January 14th NPC Meeting, which calls for chapters to have...
Caucus Statement LSC-DSA: Our Caucus’ Vision for the DSA 2023 Convention Overview If the last decade featured historic gains for the left in places even the most ardent partisans had abandoned, it has also been an era of crisis and repression that has fostered...
Caucus Statement DSA and the NHGO The NPC has already voted to terminate the contract but the argument for the NHGO as a staff position rather than another consultant remains important. As we build a mass organization that will...
Caucus Statement LSC Recommendations on NPC Resolutions & Constitution & Bylaws Changes. Resolution No. 1 – State Organization NPC Comments: "Commit to building our power and organization at the state level and adopt standardized bylaws for state organizations." "The DSA Constitution and Bylaws currently allow for...
DSA Convention 2021 Libertarian Socialist Caucus Candidate Endorsements for the 2021-2023 DSA National Convention LSC is endorsing the following candidates for the 2021 election for the National Political Committee. The use of Single Transferable Vote will allow delegates to select the candidates that they truly prefer rather...
Caucus Statement Statement on the Class Unity Caucus In light of recent events involving DSA’s Class Unity Caucus (CUC), we at DSA-LSC think it appropriate to make a definitive statement outlining our stance on CUC, its ideology, and its concerning...
Caucus Statement Recommendations From The Libertarian Socialist Caucus For The 2021 DSA Convention - Short List Comrades strove to make decisions based on our commitment to internal democracy, abolition, antifascism/antiracism, and autonomous organization Key: Green represents proposals on the Consent Agenda LSC Summary of Recommendations on Proposals: Resolutions...
DSA Convention 2021 Recommendations From The Libertarian Socialist Caucus For The 2021 DSA Convention - Long Form The following are the recommendations of the External Strategy & Convention Working Group (ES&C WG) of the Libertarian Socialist Caucus in regards to the proposed resolutions and bylaw amendments that will...
Caucus Statement LSC Supports Single Transferable Vote It is critical for the DSA to adopt a national leadership that fully represents its members. This necessity is magnified by the lack of processes for enforcing accountability between national conventions such as...
DSA Convention 2021 Statement on the NPC's Amendments and the 2021 Convention On July 19, 2021 the National Political Committee of DSA released a slate of recommended resolutions and amendments to the national organization’s constitution and bylaws. Our current constitution and bylaws state that...
DSA Convention 2021 Democratize Everything 2021: A DSA by and for its Members DSA’s rapid rise from a relatively obscure organization of about 6,000 members in 2015 to comparatively massive and significant left vehicle it is today resulted in internal transformation and a push...
Caucus Statement Where We Stand: LSC in 2021 For the Libertarian Socialist Caucus, the intensifying crises and contradictions of the 2020s are opportunities for reconsidering the path forward under conditions of intensifying crisis and weak institutional development on the left. We...
Caucus Statement LSC & Democratic Socialism: A Short History If we want to understand the current challenges we confront inside and outside the organization, we have to contend with the history of the DSA as a political organization and para-party formation. The...